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PCOS taskforce, BES “Round Table Discussion” with “Samakal” 26/08/2022

Dear respected member of BES,
We are delighted to share the news that on occasion of PCOS AWARENESS MONTH, PCOS Taskforce of Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES) has organized a round table discussion at SAMAKAL conference room. Various aspects of PCOS including etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, management and preventive ways were discussed. Distinguished Endocrinologists and Gynecologists expressed their views regarding PCOS. PCOS Taskforce of BES leaded by Dr. Marufa Mustari (Coordinator) and Dr. Nazma Akhtar (Member Secretary) share their future plan regarding mass awareness, scientific activities and research works.


Prof. Dr. SM Ashrafuzzaman
Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES)
Dr. Shahjada Selim
General Secretary
Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES)

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