+88 01511-552012 endobd2012@gmail.com

Webinar on “World Thyroid Awareness Month-2023

Dear Members, Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES) cordially invites you to attend a live webinar celebrating “World Thyroid Awareness Month January 2023” scheduled on 27 January, 2023 (Friday) at 9:30 PM. Renowned Endocrinologists of Bangladesh will discuss on different topics about thyroid disorders. Please click the Zoom Webinar link below to join: https://nuvistapharma-net.zoom.us/j/95258062087?pwd=d0c1c3FnSUJqZWNhUkEvSzk3eUxlUT09 Webinar ID: 952 […]

Webinar on “World Thyroid Awareness Month-2023

Dear respected members of BES, You are cordially invited to attend Webinar on “World Thyroid Awareness Month-2023″ by Thyroid Taskforce of Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES) at 22 January, 2023 (Sunday) at 10 PM.  To join the webinar: https://zoom.us/wc/join/94355152535 Password: Thyronor ZOOM Meeting ID: 943 5515 2535    We look forward to your kind presence.   Sincerely […]


Dear Respected Member of BES, We are delighted to share the news that Bangladesh Endocrine Society is going to organize “3rd BES MAYO ADVANCED COURSE IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2023” in collaboration with MAYO Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, the world’s top ranked medical Centre. This course will give the scope of learning world class evidence-based practice to […]


Dear respected member of BES, It’s our immense pleasure & great honor to invite you to scientific seminar on MANAGEMENT OF HYPERGLYCEMIA IN PREGNANCY organized by Diabetes with Pregnancy Task force, Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES) on 18th January, 2023  at 12.30 PM  at Samson H. Chowdhury Hall, Dhaka Club    (Wednesday). National Professor Dr. Shahla Khatun kindly consented to be present as Chief guest […]

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