+88 01511-552012 endobd2012@gmail.com

Register for Best of ADA 2023!

Dear Member of BES,
BES is going to organize the “Best of ADA 2023” that will be held on 10th September, 2023 at the Grand Ballroom of the hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh in collaboration with American Diabetes Association (ADA). All members of BES are cordially requested to register ASAP.

Registration deadline:  23:59 hours, 16th August, 2023.

Link for registration: https://forms.gle/2niFgdXsQrzcFngt9

Looking forward to your participation.


Prof. S M Ashrafuzzaman
Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES)
Dr. Shahjada Selim
General Secretary,
Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES)

Best of ADA 2023 Agenda


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